Let’s imagine that in the hills surrounding your community lives a lunatic. A babbling, mentally deranged lunatic. On the nights when you leave your windows open, you can hear the lunatic screaming and howling at the moon. You know the lunatic is off in the distance but you can still hear him. Are you worried?
Let’s say the lunatic comes down from the hills and starts circling your community, attacking residents on the outskirts. You hear the muffled cries of your neighbors and realize he is getting closer to your place of residence. Does this sit well with you?
Now imagine that same lunatic has found his way to your house and begins to smash down your front door with a rock. The crazed lunatic who was once in the hills is now gaining access to your home with intent to harm you and your family. Do you think it might be time to take action?
Over the past several decades, Marxist liberals have been threatening God, our Constitution and our families while conservatives have turned the other cheek. These same lunatics who once lived at a manageable distance are now on our doorstep. With violence and mayhem they are destroying our cities, tearing down our history and are advocating for the murder of our children up until the moment of birth. Using draconian tactics they have managed to paralyze our nation with fear while shutting down the very economy which sustains us. These haters of truth have infiltrated the press with lies, hypocrisy and gross censorship and have now compromised the integrity and security of our national elections.
Since the shocking evening of November 3rd, one of the more disheartening sentiments on social media has been the pathetic resignation and acceptance of a Biden/Harris presidency. It appears that despite the lunatic on our doorstep and all the evidence to substantiate the crimes committed, there are still able-bodied conservatives who either refuse to engage or deny the existence of the threat.
We are at this moment in history because for too long we underestimated the sinister workings of the Democratic Party. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke realized this in 1770. Have we learned nothing about the necessity of engagement? President Trump is strong but cannot fight this battle alone and we owe it to him to help carry the load. He needs every patriotic American fully engaged and willing to do their part, however small that contribution may be. We must remember that compliance will never save anyone from lunacy, refusal to engage in battle will never thwart an attack and complacency will only act to encourage the enemy.
The greatest nation on earth is beginning to crumble. If we don’t get into this fight now we are going to lose our country, our democracy and our very way of life.