The Republican Party of New Mexico launched and financed a lawsuit that was filed today, requesting that all 2020 election ballots in Bernalillo County be impounded.
RPNM asked 1st Congressional District candidate Michelle Garcia Holmes to submit the petition. New Mexico law grants candidates the right to have authorities impound tally sheets, registration certificates, paper ballots, absentee ballots, statements of canvass, absentee ballot applications and absentee ballot registers.
RPNM and Garcia Holmes want to have ballots checked.
The petition, filed in New Mexico’s Second Judicial District Court, asks the Court to examine the attributes of ballots cast in the recent unusual election.
RPNM and Garcia Holmes are petitioning the Court to impound ballots in Bernalillo County’s 70 election-day voting convenience centers, 17 early alternative voting locations and 88 absentee voter precincts.
“There are questions that still persist in this election that involve election integrity, and we must look closely at what happened here in New Mexico,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce.
The Republican Party of New Mexico is also considering impounding ballots in other counties.