President Donald Trump’s approval rating has improved in the week since the election, up 3% while his disapproval has dropped similarly, Rasmussen Reports said Tuesday.
Fifty-two percent of likely voters approved of Trump’s job performance, up from 49% on Nov. 3, while the number of people disapproving of his job performance dropped to 47%, down from 50%.
Of those approving, 42% strongly approved, while 39% strongly disapproved. Trump’s approval index, the difference between those that strongly approve and strongly disapprove, is the highest its been since Sept. 18, when he was plus-4.
He dropped to minus-15 on Oct. 7.
Trump’s numbers are slightly better than his predecessor, Barack Obama, who had a 51% approval rating on the same day in his first term.
Rasmussen was one of the most accurate pre-election national polls, reporting on Nov. 2 that Democrat Joe Biden led Trump 48%-47%
The Rasmussen survey is a national rolling three-day rolling average of 1,500 likely voters, 500 each night, taken by phone and an online survey tool. It has a margin of error of 2.5 points.