Great piece and video, share far and wide. Reposted from Alexandra Bruce at Shift Frequency This short video by the New American’s Daniel Natal gives
Category: Military
OMINOUS: U.S. Positioning Naval Vessels Off East and West Coasts; Massive Troop Movements in CONUS
HUGE breaking news, reposted from The Hal Turner Radio Show. We added some related tweets at the end of the article. Over the past four
Natural News Report: Cyber Warfare Mechanisms Now Activated – Election Crisis Prompting National Defense Scenario
(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update (for Dec. 4th) has been published and is linked below. Note that thanks to the rapidly unfolding post-election situation in
Scytl Server Seizure Confirmed, SC Justices’ Circuits Reassigned, Dominion Raided and US Armed Forces Tweets Grow Ominous (Oh my!)
Reposted from Lenora Thompson at America the Blog It’s a mish-mash Friday because so much is either being revealed or hinted at that a one-topic