Omg Guys, please share this post far and wide, and especially share this link far and wide!! If you haven’t done it yet, sign up for Telegram, and start digging, Digital Warriors. The Truth Shall Set Us FREE from these demons who rule our world!
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When it comes to sorting information into facts and fiction, I use something called the Trivium.
The Trivium is the first three out of the seven classical liberal arts; Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric, which can also be called, Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom. It is a step by step process of determining what is truth and what isn’t.
In the Grammar step (which answers the question of the Who, What, Where, and the When of a subject), we gather all the data available on whatever subject we are researching.
Then, in the Logic step (which answers the question Why of a subject), we identify and remove all contradictions and errors in thinking from our Grammar/Data -and continue doing so for as long as it takes to arrive at LOGOS or TRUTH.
Only when we have really absorbed all of the Grammar/Data and filtered it through our process of Logic can we get to the Rhetoric step (which answers the question How of the subject), and now possess the Wisdom/LOGOS to share the Truth that we discovered.
In order to be consistent and fully thorough in my research, I have to include all the Grammar/Data, which means looking at the Q stuff too. And ALL of it. Open but discerning and logical minds find Truth, not closed minds. To be “wise like serpents” we have to know everything they know, know how they think, and know every angle like a master chess player.
Now please go start digging and sharing what you find! Your service to cause of human freedom from the .1% that control this world is greatly appreciated!