The central bankers have been calling all the shots in Washington and 90% of corporate America for years. They control all of this through the
Author: K.B. Flanary
Planned Parenthood’s Biggest Corporate Supporter is Backed by Central Bankers (APCT VIDEO)
The APCT Report Just a quick video to share some interesting information I just discovered. Looks like the bankster family who has socially engineered the
A Major Player in the Great Reset/Lockdown Coup of 2020 You Probably Never Heard Of!
So we discovered some very interesting connections with a shady Deep State Globalist who has been in the Game for decades. For some reason, no
Did a Missile Strike the AT&T Building in Nashville? (APCT Video)
The Scottish Warrior and KB discuss whether the white hats fired a missile to detonate a bomb that was possibly planted by those who interfered
The SolarWinds Breech: Was it Russian Hackers or China in Cahoots with Central Bankers?
Some things I have discovered following the money. “The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents – men
One Bank to Rule Them All
OMG This rabbit hole! We at APCT have been doing so much research, and have so much to share with you all. We are just
Truth: The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It [Video]
“The worse thing about being lied to is knowing you are not worth the Truth.” We have been lied to and deceived for generations…centuries, but
The APCT Report: The Hidden Enemies of Our Republic [Video]
Today on The APCT Report, Scott Armstrong, the Scottish Warrior, and KB Flanary talk about the hidden enemies of our Republic who are behind the
The Great Reset: A Rothschild Controlled Take-Over of the Whole World
There is so much to cover in this massive, multileveled and very real conspiracy by the world’s most wealthy and powerful families. I will start
Rep. Cynthia A. Johnson Scolded But Not Fired for Domestic Terrorism
Any politician who is guilty of inciting violence like this communist lunatic did this morning should be barred from public office and fully investigated for
HUGE: After 4 Years of Stonewalling Corrupt FBI Finally Admits They’re Holding Seth Rich’s Laptop
Breaking News from Gateway Pundit A stunning development on the legal front that directly impacts the so-called conspiracy theory that the death of Seth Rich
The CCP and their Deep State Allies and Puppets Want to Destroy Your Life Forever
We are under attack by domestic and foreign enemies who want to destroy America and everything we stand for. There has never been a more
Understanding the Enemy’s Agenda: “The Naked Communist”
“Discerning men have described Communism as reversing and negating history. It has turned man against himself. Instead of solving the many complex problems of modern
“Violation of Voting Rights is Violation of Civil Rights;” Federal Grand Jury Petitioned in Atlanta
Oh, how I love this story! A group of American Patriots in Georgia are petitioning the Federal Grand Jury over “an ongoing pattern of violations
Democrats and Their Allies, Foreign and Domestic, Declared War Against America on Nov 3, 2020 Part Two
Read Part One Here I believe the media, including the lesser of the evils (yes, even them) are – how can I say this? –
Democrats and Their Allies, Foreign and Domestic, Declared War Against America on Nov 3, 2020 Part One
Read Part Two Here Yes, stealing an election is a declaration of WAR. It doesn’t take much reasoning and connecting the (Communist) dots to come
Ruby Freeman, Georgia’s Suitcase Vote Counter, Solicited ‘Donations’ After Working During Election
REPOSTED FROM NATIONAL FILE The woman exposed as part of the unsupervised overnight Georgia vote count solicited donations on Facebook after finishing her work. Georgia
It’s Time for a Re-Vote! [APCT Podcast]
Millions of Americans, or almost half of all Trump voters, have seen more than enough evidence, in the form of sworn affidavits and disturbing testimonies
Situation Update: Trump Invokes 2018 Executive Order, Authorizing Military Response to Cyber Warfare
This is a very important piece, reposted from Natural News. (Natural News) Ask yourself this question: What was the purpose of yesterday’s White House speech
President Donald Trump, Beast Hunter
When Donald J Trump came down the escalator, announced his candidacy for President of the United States, and made the now historic promise that he